Vortex definition

Define vortex : something that resembles a whirlpool — vortex in a sentence. Un vórtice es un flujo turbulento en rotación espiral con trayectorias de corriente cerradas. Como vórtice puede considerarse cualquier tipo de flujo circular o rotatorio que posee vorticidad. La vorticidad es un concepto matemático usado en dinámica de fluidos que se puede relacionar con la cantidad de circulación o.

Vortex definition , a whirling mass of water, especially one in which a force of suction operates, as a whirlpool. En caché Similares Traducir esta página Definition of vortex - a whirling mass of fluid or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. VORTEX at the top of your lungs, best done with a total slut during a definite one night stand.

Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz found out first-hand the meaning of vortex as she and her house whirled around in the funnel cloud of a tornado. In a figurative sense, vortex can be used to .

English dictionary definition of vortex. A whirling mass of water or air that sucks everything near it toward its center. A place or situation regarded as. Cartesian theory accounting for the formation of the universe, and the movements of the bodies composing it. Any of numerous species of small Turbellaria belonging to Vortex and allied genera.

Définitions Français : Retrouvez la définition de vortex. The definition of a vortex is a whirl of water or air, or the center of something that draws the outside in. An example of a vortex is a whirlpool.

Synonyms for vortex at Thesaurus. Dictionary and Word of the Day. Here we define a vortex as a set of fluid trajectories along which . Yet a frame-indepen- dent vortex definition is essential for rotating flows and for flows with interacting vortices. The most widely used definitions of a vortex are not objective: they identify different structures as vortices in frames that rotate relative to each other.

Meaning of vortex and a memory aid (called Mnemonic) to retain that meaning for long time in our memory. What is the polar vortex and why does it sometimes send frigid air to the United States?

State Key Laboratory for Turbulence and Complex Systems, College of EngineeringPeking . We present a simple chemical definition to demark the edge of the mesospheric polar vortices. Because this vortex definition does not rely on the wind fiel it is useful in the mesosphere where wind observations are sparse and reanalysis winds are unreliable. The chemical definition is also insensitive to . However, an unambiguous and universally-accepted definition for vortex is yet to be achieved in the field of fluid mechanics, which is probably one of the major obstacles causing considerable confusions and . The term polar vortex is used to describe several different features in the atmosphere.

It most commonly refers to a planetary-scale mid- to high-latitude circumpolar circulation. The tropospheric polar vortex is usually defined by . Vortex - la définition du mot vortex : Source Académie Française, Emile Littré, Wiktionnaire et dictionnaire critique de la langue française. Vortices may be qualitatively defined as connected fluid regions with high concentration of vorticity. They include vortex layers and axial vortices with vorticity concentration in one and two spatial dimensions, respectively. We know the storylines of Wizard of Oz and Alice in Wonderland are borne from fiction, but does the same hold true for the vortex ? There are two main definitions for vortexes.

In the world of hard facts and proof, a vortex is defined as a swirling mass of substance such as.


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