Stray 302 c++

En caché Similares Traducir esta página may. However fixing that, I see two additional problems which I address here. Since you have non-ASCII Latin-characters in your source, those characters are encoded as two bytes with the first . Since the compiler does not understand these special characters, it will warn you about their existence by identifying them as stray pieces of code.

This is why some code-related sites, such as GitHub, gives you the opportunity of copying RAW CODE, so you do not copy the formatead fonts that some . None of them show hidden characters.

I have even tried going to the places the compiler identifies and backspacing back to the next line to clear any rubbish, then ENTERing forward a bit. I am trying to get this program to work for a school project. Can anyone help me fix this? KB downloaded 1times . And often get on close blindfolded text. I tried a line with an error to cut . Delete the line and rewrite it.

If I am not wrong, you are probably copying and pasting code from a PDF or PPT into your code editor. Either you type the code fresh or paste into vi editor.

Replace the quotes with normal ASCII quote (0x2 ) and it should work. Teile ich die Zeile auf, zeigt er auf die ¦¦ Zeichen. Laut gcc Bugreport Mailinglist ist da ein Steuerzeichen versteckt.

Hab alles nochmal neu getippt, doch der Fehler bleibt. Kamm mir jemand helfen bitte? Donc comment je dois procéder pour pouvoir compiler tout en gardant ces caractères ? Wroclaw School of Information Technology. Estou com um arquivo de um exercício pra fazer e vou gerar o executável com o gcc gera o seguinte erro: gcc prg1.

The offending line is simply: static int getTotalHost();. I had a similar error a couple of days ago. Try deleting all the whitespace in the line and then padding it out with . Linux默认安装的键盘是国际版的,所以会有全角。 修改一下.

Más antes que después, vamos a necesitar comunicar nuestro Arduino con nuestro PC. Las razones son varias, enviarle órdenes o recibir información o señales por ejemplo. Los PCs disponen de teclados, pantallas y adaptadores de re pero con Arduino tenemos que usar el puerto USB que establecerá una conexión . In file included from testinclude.

It must have glitched or something when . I entered your example program using nano saving as hello.


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