Rite definition

Rite definition : A rite is a traditional ceremony that is carried out by a particular group or within a. Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples. Definition of rite - a religious or other solemn ceremony or act. Its not an incorrect spelling of right, its an actual wor meaning a religious celebration or law.

Religions in particular have many rites , which include celebrations and sacraments such as baptism or confession.

But people also use this word for any kind of event that signifies moving through a stage of life. For a football player, getting your first touchdown is a rite of passage. A rite or ritual is an establishe ceremonial, usually religious, act. English dictionary definition of rite. The prescribed or customary form for conducting a religious or other solemn ceremony: the rite of baptism.

A ceremonial act or series of acts:. It is a rite of passage that the father of the bride has the second dance with his daughter at the wedding reception. Define rite (noun) and get synonyms.

Licensed from GettyImages. The definition of a rite is a ceremony or formal act to observe a religious, custom or other procedure. An example of a rite is the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony. Dictionnaire, définitions, section_expression, conjugaison, synonymes, homonymes, difficultés, citations.

Pronunciation: primarystress r imacr t. Help Contact Us Privacy Policy Copyright Notice. Rite : définition , synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue française. Similar Words: ritual, religious rite.

Définition : Coutume, habitude. Funeral rites are very different in . Verify RITE in Scrabble dictionary and games, check RITE definition , RITE in wwf, Words With Friends score for RITE , definition of RITE. This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of RITE is. A list of common slang words, acronyms and abbreviations as used in websites, ICQ chat rooms, blogs, SMS, and internet forums.

Ensemble des règles et cérémonies en usage dans une religion. Les rites gallican, mozarabe. This is religiously practiced in Islam, am.

In Roman Catholicism and Lutheranism, the Penitential Rite , also known as Confession and Absolution, is a form of general confession that takes place at the start of each Divine Service or Mass.


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